to Craniosacral Centre for Healing
About Craniosacral Therapy
How CST Help ?
“CST is known as Craniosacral Therapy is a non-invasive, holistic touch therapy or modality in which through touch we sense gentle movement of organs, structure and tap the inherent intelligence of the body and tune the body to vibrant health.”
Issues it can resolve!
Head, back and neck pain and injuries,
Sports injuries, fatigue, and recovery
Migraines and headaches
Digestive disorder, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Disturbed sleep cycles and insomnia
Sinus infections
Trauma recovery
Mood disorders like anxiety or depression
Many other health issues.

Our Services

Craniosacral Therapy Introductory session
Introductory session is designed to orient the clients about CST treatment and procedure and to brief them about this unique therapy which has cured several lifestyle issues and chronic diseases as well. This session is free of cost.
Craniosacral Therapy Personal session
CST session is usually given on a CST table by using gentle touch with a span of 35 to 45 minutes taping the inherent intelligence of body part such as skull, sacrum, ilium, shoulder, feet, etc. CST has been found to be a miraculous modality in achieving the actual health of an individual.
Healthy living, Stress Management & Meditation
Stress and poor lifestyle contribute to many modern time illnesses such as obesity, thyroid, diabetes, spondylitis and back pain, knee pain, hypertension and many more. Effective lifestyle changes and meditation techniques are foster amongst the clients through this session.